New Painting: Glade


I finished this painting two weeks before we left New York, so that's just over a month ago, in the flurry of activity that preceded our departure.  It is painted on a canvas that I covered first with cheesecloth for texture. This is a full blown "springtime" painting, with its riot of color bursting from a quiet ground. Just as we are about to celebrate the summer solstice and the first day of official summertime here tomorrow.
I'm seeing bits of discovery within this painting, passages that I am enjoying and looking forward to exploring more when I begin painting here....although I'm still slow to set up the studio. I am thinking that perhaps this will be a summer of gathering ideas for me instead of painting. I think of those times, the times of focus within, as sowing seeds for the crop from which I will harvest my inspiration and ideas when I begin working again. Sometimes that's just the work that needs to be done.


Sacred Arts Studio said...

I love the colors in this and the addition of the cheesecloth for texture. I tend to work in waves myself... being really productive for 5 or 6 months and then needing to quiet down my artistic voice and refill my creative vessel. Enjoy the time!

vanessa said...

Hello Faith..I have been meaning to send you a big thank you for following us throughout our journey around the world! It;s a big move for your family now.. It looks like such a wonderful decision..wishing you all the best in settling in your new life. vanessa

jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet faith, this painting is gorgeous and i really adore the soft beautiful colors! I am also slowly setting up my little creative space. I'm settling in nicely and love my little corner(s). Have a lovely merry happy friday and a wonderful weekend! Love to you!

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