I feel like we lived the past week in fast forward. What with a torn ligament in a foot (me) and tubes getting put into ears (Jasper), then a trip overnight away (Frank)...things are not quite at their normal pace here. I am deeply thankful that everything went well with Jasper's ears on Friday, the tubes are in and he was totally chill about the whole thing, thank you so much for your kind words and thoughts about that from my last post!
With all of the craziness I did not have my normal studio time (aka decompression time) this week. My affirmation from last week, Strength and Beauty Surround You, really kept close to me this week as everything whirled around! There is such peace in those words.
Being the sort of person that finds busy work soothing to fried nerves, I was able to find time to do a shop update! This is the start of the major shop update that I have been planning for this autumn. I am an artist who works in very prolific spurts, and I produce A LOT OF WORK. It is no joke. Frank and I have shared a studio space in an old warehouse building in the Gowanus area of Brooklyn for years, Frank still paints there but now I have my painting studio in our home. I do still use that space to store all of my paintings and oh boy, I will have to post pictures for you here sometime, there are racks full of paintings over there! It is just luscious! When someone is interested in buying a painting of mine I LOVE inviting them to come there and, over glasses of wine, pulling paintings off of the racks for them to look at. Some very fun evenings have been spent that way.
Here are two of the paintings that I just added to the shop. Happy weekend to you!
1 comment:
I love the front page of your website! I am going to check out your shop update now :)
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