Time Lapse

Its been so exciting to watch things growing and changing in our yard over the past month, I can't stop posting about it! We've got this amazing Magnolia tree that is blooming these huge dinner plate sized blossoms right now. But, the craziest growth recently came from one of our Sago Palms, these are a really common plant in Charleston, but exotic to me. So, when ours started sprouting something new a couple of weeks ago we watched closely,

At first we almost couldn't tell that something was going on, but the kids pointed out that the middle of the plant looked different,

Sure enough, it gave birth to a whole layer of new fronds, 

We're calling it our alien plant for right now. Such a fun discovery!

How she's grown

Today our little Ruby girl turns one and I wanted to share the cuteness with you. Look how she's grown, from tiny nugget to large princess. Sitting in almost exactly the same spot on our stairs for comparison.
The kids are insisting on celebrating her birthday with a party, every girl needs a party right?

We love her so.

Have a wonderful long weekend here in the States, happy Memorial Day!

Making a Beautiful Mess

For the past few weeks I've been in a really good painting rhythm, taking full advantage of the times when the kids are in school, and getting some paintings to the point where I can work on them even with the distraction of the kids playing around me, I always love it when that happens!

I've moved my studio out onto our screened in porch, as the cool mornings and sounds of outside have been feeding my creativity.

Painting around my baby belly is getting interesting, often I do end up using it as a shelf, I enjoy feeling baby kicking inside of me as I work, but the downside is that I can not stay in one position for very long. Usualy when I'm working I let my mind float away into my world of paint, but now I'm forced to accomodate my body much more, focussing on maintaining possitions that feel good and moving around periodically.

We've been enjoying this finished piece on our mantel,

Belle and Ruby love being with me on the screened in porch as I work, they watch the action of squirrels and birds in the yard.

The view from where I'm often sitting...

I've been capturing my days on Instagram with my phone more and more, and loving it. Are you on instagram? Come visit me at faithevanssills, and leave your hashtag in the comments here, I'd love to connect with you there!

Frank's got some great paintings, of Charleston and our home, in progress right now too, check them out here.

Another Garden Project

We've been poking around our yard over these past few months, finishing up projects that have been on our minds for a while like our Tire Swing, as well as starting new ones like our Vegetable and Herb Garden. Recently we finished another quick project, hanging a swing for the kids that we've had sitting around in a box since our move last year.

Its a simple cute Ikea swing,

which we decided to hang from the base of the kid's tree house that Frank built last summer.

I'm working (still working!) on a long overdue post about our yard renovation that we did last summer, its really hard to believe that when we moved in last summer this was all just dirt surrounding the big old trees, its come so far and looks great this season as many of the plants that we put in are filling in more.

Its such a special place to hang out and play.

We all goofed off while Frank hung the swing, Jasper took some silly pictures of Carys and I.

Then, it was done! And I don't think they've stopped swinging since, between the tire swing out in our front yard and this new one! But....I've still got one more cool swing idea using just a thick nautical rope, our friend here made one for his kids and I think we're going to attempt our own. I'm excited about that and I'll share it with you as soon as we figure out how to make it!

Sweet scenes from our world

 What are your plans for the weekend? I'm sure we'll be out enjoying this amazing summer weather that we are having.

Here are some sweet scenes from our world.
I am endlessly inspired by the view of the tidal marsh near our house, which we drive across to get to the beach, the wide open expanse of space always makes me exhale deeply, ahhhhh.

Here's another tunnel of trees that we discovered recently on a walk back from the beach...what a cool pretend fort it would make.

Fresh strawberries from the Farmer's market have been a favorite at our house recently,

 we dipped some in chocolate to share with friends, yum.

Here's Carys getting ready for her end of the year Ballet recital was super heart meltingly sweet, oh boy she was excited,

The other day after a rain shower we saw another amazing rainbow at the end of our street, seeing a rainbow never looses its magic, even if it only last for a minute like this one did, I seriously RAN outside to take this picture!

Every Saturday morning since April we've been loving cheering on Jasper's soccer team, the Asteroids, go green! This weekend is his last game and they've had so much fun this season.

And last but definitely not least here's a scene from Frank's opening last week, that's Frank's back while he's chatting about his paintings,

we had an evening out in downtown Charleston for the art walk that his opening was a part of, we had so much fun but I was exhausted afterwards, phew!

I've been doing a lots of painting this week, so many ideas that have been percolating are coming out and I can't wait to share them with you next week.
Have a relaxing weekend!

Maternity photoshoot on the beach

One night last week, after dinner, we decided to head to the beach at sunset to take some quick belly pictures. I've had this idea of taking more pictures of the end of my pregnancy this time, so off we went to capture the golden light.

We had no idea that the sight that would greet us there on the sand would be truly out of this world. Jasper shouted, "there's a rainbow!", and we all turned to see this HUGE, double full ark rainbow stretching from the sand out into the ocean.

As we stood there the light was changing every second and with it the rainbow changed, parts of it getting brighter, others fading.

Glorious is the only way to describe those moments. Just such a treat for us to share as a family.


These will be pictures I will always treasure!

Happy Mother's Day

Frank took the kids camping this weekend, leaving me on my own for Mother's Day Weekend. What a change it is to let myself deeply relax into the quiet of our house, knowing that no one will disturb me .
I've been painting and enjoying the bright sun in my studio.

I received bouquets and sweet handmade cards before they left on their adventure, along with a surprise gift certificate for a prenatal massage that was just heaven yesterday. Being able to lay face down on the massage table, with the hole for my baby belly to rest in, was such a treat, I had forgotten how good is feels to lay on my tummy.

After my massage I set up a space to paint on our screened in porch, letting my mind and hand wander with color and pattern,

and taking lots of breaks for watermelon!

I can't wait to hear their little feet as they run out of the van when they return from their camping trip in a couple of hours this afternoon, but the treat of alone time is one that I've really savored this weekend.
I hope that you are enjoying much deserved Mother's Day rest and celebration today!
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