[Painting of the Week] Cascade

Cascade, mixed media on canvas

This piece is about how I feel when I'm full to brimming with emotion, with energy, with ideas...all buzzing around in my heart and in my head creating an overflow,
a Cascade.
We have spent the past week exploring beautiful Cornwall, the south west peninsula of England, where we stayed in a cottage on a farm. It has been breath-taking and overwhelming for the senses, just fantastic.
I can't wait to share photos of all that beauty here. I think I'll have a moment to sit in quiet tonight at my brother's house and process it all. 
More England... coming soon.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I love how they're flying into the center and up! so cool, feels great to gaze at... :) Excited to see more England, I'm learning a lot... Praying you all have safe travels... blessings dear heart...

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.