Slowing Down

"There is more to life than increasing it's speed."
Mahatma Gandi

Walking past the above bench I was struck by the fact that while we were out in New Mexico I began receiving direct signs that I need to slow down and let myself feel things. Basically, I felt like I was being told to: Get Calm and Listen.
This is hard for me to do in my daily life as I try to balance everything, but it became especially clear to me as we were in Santa Fe, trying to decide if we could see ourselves living there...and I couldn't figure out how I felt about it! I was confused by my own lack of direction and then I realised that I was so caught up in "doing" that I could not sense my own intuition. Once I actually let go of the constantly nagging question of, "are we going to move here??", I began to relax and enjoy our time...and actually begin to envision a possible life for us there.

When we returned home last week I began my much anticipated e-course In The Fishbowl with the vibrant and amazing Marisa of Creative Thursday.
Imagine my surprise when in the first class she said this:
"We do not know how to take action from our intuition, because most of us don't know how to listen to our intuition."
As a person who has always felt very connected to my own inner voice and self, this was a real wake up! I know that I have been fooling myself into thinking that I am being deliberate and slow in my actions and decisions, when really I have been pushing myself into a place where I am just functioning. I am getting it all done, while really still struggling to try a new recipe or complete one of the 5 projects I have going on at once!

Get calm and Listen.

Marisa encouraged us to do just that this week as we start the e-course and I am ready. I am joyful to have the encouragement to do just that right now.

My favorite quote from her talk last week was this:
"Be very clear and pure of heart and fully embracing and believing in that which is YOU."

This is my manta for this summer!


Lula's Gift said...

Hi Faith - I loved reading this post. You're honesty is so helpful. I've spent some time looking at your work and must say it's moving. I particularly liked Hope and Believe. See you in class :) Amy

Anonymous said...

Hi Faith ~ thank you so much for this post. I'm honored to have you in class. I too spent parts of the week trying to tune back into my own intuition, so that I might actually hear it :)

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